You know The Dreamtime Healing Project is for you if you resonate with any of the following…


✔ You have been on a spiritual journey for quite some time, you are stuck feeling unsure of your role in helping humanity

✔ You are ready for a quantum leap in your spiritual evolution & are ready to advance your intuitive abilities beyond blindspots

✔ You can sense your limitations when faced with uncertainty and don’t know where to turn. 

✔ You know you have intuitive skills but want feedback from like-minded community members so you know if you're on the right track

Are you ready to step up and be authentic to your soul's purpose?


The first few months of the Dreamtime Healing Project will give you the tools you need to:

  • Hear the voice of your spirit & your intuition in a much clearer way
  • Utilize dreamtime for discovering unique directions for your personal healing and growth
  • Bring forward spiritual gifts through dreamtime to the present & help make an impact to the group
  • and Embrace Your Soul’s Purpose so you can move forward with clarity


Next session starts the first of next month!

Join Today!

Empower Yourself Beyond Belief Through Dreamtime


✔ Become An Unstoppable Creator of Your Life

✔ Unleash Your Intuitive Super Powers & Use it Help Others

✔ Experience Transformation and Experience Authentic truth

✔ Empower the People You Work With  

Do I have to be an experienced intuitive to succeed in this program?

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Iva Paleckova

I am VERY new to this and don't know anything about anything. In fact I still don't know next to nothing about ET's, IT's, starseeds,  grids, AI, so there was no way I was going to do any of these programs. I didn't feel like I would belong, who am I to, blabla bla.
I was going like, 'what am I going to do, ask a bunch of stupid questions and hold everyone back?' yeah I didn't think so.
But I did.
I was met with acceptance, open arms, and nothing but LOVE from all the other members from the get go, and here's some results of the work in the past two months.
💜 I see love everywhere now. The context for my entire life has risen beyond what I ever could have imagined.
💜  I'm not afraid to run alone on the mountains again, after doing some forgiveness work with my occult past.
💜  I have a relationship with my brother that I didn't have.
💜 My relationship with my 2 year old daughter is purifying by the week.
💜 I am in the process of complete forgiveness of my parents and myself and that's not something that was even on my list of things to deal with. I'm 38, so, you know, i was like 'someday, maybe'.
💜 My entire value system has been reformatted already. From success to love, from need for validation to connection.
💜 This is insignificant in comparison but after doing some clearing and forgiveness, I no longer have fear of running alone in nature.
💜 But THIS is probably the most empowering thing for me, the TOOLS that I have: For one, I had done a ton of work with the plant medicine of the past year and a half but through this work have realized I can activate the same states without the plants, and do inner deep healing, through simple breathing. And two, the quantum forgiveness practice cannot be compared to anything I have even attempted to do before in terms of forgiveness.
And this is just the beginning. I have been in the programs maybe for 3.5 months but really only participating for maybe 6 weeks.
There is so much unfolding for me. As a business mentor, there is SO MUCH value to unwinding all the blindspots, learning to track my client's blind spots, instead just 'talking about it'.
There is magic in tracking and how much we can help people, and that's what I'm here for. My vision is so clear, walk with my clients to the tricky places they have never been and unwind those blind spots that hold them back. But in gaining that skill, I know that I will unfold 10 times over and continue becoming the truest version of myself.

You might be wondering:


Why is Dreamtime Important In Living My Soul’s Purpose?


In reality, connecting with the language of dreams is connecting with the language of your soul.  This is KEY to living your soul purpose.


It is important to unwind your intuitive blind spots because it is YOUR SPIRIT GUIDING YOU and showing you your authentic nature AND what’s blocking you from showing up for yourself.

In the Dreamtime Healing Project, you will learn how to go beyond those blind spots and connect with your inner-knowing more deeply with ease. 


The Dreamtime Healing Project Will Give You Exactly The Tools You Need To Hear The Voice Of Your Spirit, Bring Forward Spiritual Gifts, and Embrace Your Soul’s Purpose 

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Phase 1: Get comfortable being seen in your gifts 

Peel off the blocks to your visibility. Learn to share your intuition unreservedly, step past inhibitions & your comfort zone. 

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Phase 2: Deepen your connection to your inner knowing

We use the dreamtime bridge to deepen your awareness of the voice of your spirit and step past the limitations of the mind. Allow the abstract to take you where you need to go.  

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Phase 3: Sharpen your ability to operate in the dreamscapes

The mind is the last one to know when an inner shift has occurred. Learn to be with the energy of the moment and let it guide you where it needs to take you.

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Phase 4: Build a fully active and engaged dreamtime bridge 

Learn to pull your spiritual gifts into your here and now and use it to facilitate living your soul’s purpose every day. 

What’s Included & What to Expect: 


Experiential learning through Group Dream Clinics & Quantum Activations

  • We learn to use the vehicle of dreamtime to facilitate deeper awareness of our inner realities.
  • Practice being seen while in connection with your souls voice.
  • Connect with a small group of dreamers on a similar journey.
  • Explore dreamtime healing and transmissions received through dreamtime.
  • Practice using levels of awareness that are beyond the mind.
  • Quantum Activations further open up your psychic eye & inner knowing
  • Cultivate stronger relationships with your inter-dimensional entourage.
  • Activate lightbody templates that allow for personal expansion.
  • We apply powerful acceleration tools that facilitate rooting our awareness deeper into our core essence. 

Energy Mastery Clinic (formerly Foundations Clinic)

  • Practice essential energy techniques of moving and dissolving energy, claiming your space & much more
  • Cultivate stronger awareness of your personal energy field 
  • Put into practice basic remote energy tracking techniques 

The Dreamtime Healing Project is a community

Your like-minded tribe: join a private online community forum of souls that are on the same journey and be supported through the process. Interacting in a group dynamic is key to piecing and unraveling blind spots. 

Open Q&A 

  • Private online community that serves as a forum for Q & A as well as connecting with others in the program.
  • Additional content is also shared within this group that is specific to the Dreamtime Healing Project.

Additional Content

  • Archived Q&A
  • Library recordings

Time Commitment per month

  • One LIVE Quantum activation (1.5 hours)
  • Energy Mastery Clinic session (1.5 hours)
  • Up to 3 Group Dream Clinics (1.5 hours each)
  • Energy Tracking Clinic (1.5 hours)
  • There are dozens of hours of video content in your library to consume at your own pace (recommended to expand your consciousness)
  • Bonus sessions and content (optional)

*Min 6 month commitment


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Are you ready to fully live your soul's purpose?


The Dreamtime Healing Project will give You the tools you need to:

✔ Hear The Voice Of Your Spirit & Intuition

✔  Activate and Advance Healing Spiritual Gifts

✔ Live Your Soul’s Purpose 

✔ and Reclaim the Ability to Dream This World Into Being


Join Today!
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Kitty M

I am beyond grateful for the work and tools offered in the Dreamtime healing project! My intuitive abilities, understandings, and self-knowledge have been accelerated more than I could have dreamed! The connections and experiences I have shared are priceless in value as I have been able to expand my consciousness and grasp a firm grip on my specific soul purpose...

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Erin K

“I highly recommend Lightbody.... I am an intuitive empath and I consider myself a starseed, healer and way-shower. Christina has expanded my perception of all of these aspect of myself in profound ways that have left me speechless and gushing with tears of gratitude…”


Meet The Facilitators 

Make this the year you step up to your personal power and intuitive gifts 


Let's take part in the unfolding of the New Paradigm world and helping others make that transition!

Join me in the Dreamtime Healing Project

Spots are extremely limited 

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Ginny B

"...I seemed to have gotten more out of the activations than the dream pods although they were good too. But with the activations I seemed to have more powerful realizations and they really stuck with me. In short I was able to put together so much of the occurrences in my life and could see how I was being guided for many years on things and yet was not aware of that at all at the time..."

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Kaylie R

Words cannot do justice to how much my life has benefited working with Christina.I have gained more of myself.Not just an idea of myself but a real, true and strong self. My confusion and anxiety have decreased.I feel lighter and more directed.I feel excited about life.Thank you Christina!”

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Beverly Isla

I've taken several programs and have realized what makes courses stand out. I just completed the Dreamtime Healing Project with Lightbody Academy. This is a very thorough program that would suit those already on their ascension journey and familiar with their multi-dimensional nature. You don't have to be an expert by any means. The design of the material allows you to be walked through processes, whereas other courses made me feel I'm missing some of it and left me still wondering. Unlike other programs, you don't just watch material and not practice; this one nudges you to step out of your comfort zone and practice non-physical senses and trust the irrational, non-linear pieces with a small group of people. To me, the feedback was key to knowing that my insights are real and not to dust it off. Most importantly, there are no judgments as you explore yourself! You are personally guided and your self-doubts on your perceptions decrease. It is inevitable that you will further develop your intuition and consistently become more multi-dimensional. Lightbody Academy provide so much value and the community all help one another out. If you are reading this review, your search for an online spiritual program can stop here :) 

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