Energy Tracking Clinic
Nov 18, 1-2:30 pm MT

Are you wanting to learn how to track energy and deepen your intuition?

Do you want to discover and clear out your blindspots?

Held twice a month, our intention is to hone in on your intuitive abilities by tracking energy through time and space in community. We will tune into various frequencies that are connected to our blindspots as a group and explore the datasets we receive. 

There is no commitment to attend all sessions. Join when you can or desire to! 


❤️  Develop a deeper connection to your intuition

❤️ Increase your ability to track energy

❤️ Gain tools that can help you connect

❤️ Discover what emotional, mental, physical, spiritual blocks may be revealed when tracking energy

What to expect...

This is an interactive energy clearing and discussion of the energies we are tracking into.

We dive into multidimensional levels of awareness to gain more insights to who we are and what blocks are holding us back. We may experience light beings, guides, elementals, exospecies, and more may present to support our process of awareness.


Bring a journal and pen/pencil, if you want to take notes

Be mindful about consuming alcohol or mind altering substances prior to session, as it can dull or limit the experience

Click the button below to register. 