Lightbody 101:

Quantum Reality Shift

✔ Advance your abilities beyond previously held belief systems

✔ Dive into the unknown with trust and a sense of adventure

✔ Experience the power of working with group resonance

✔ Grow in deep authentic connection in a community that truly sees you

✔ Empower yourself with Dreamtime

Are you ready to step up and take charge of your reality?

...ready to be more fully "in sync" with your intuition, trusting yourself, and have full access to your spiritual gifts (Multidimensional Abilities), and be confident in your purpose?

Registration for your Quantum Reality Shift starts here!

Click the button below to go to the next step of registering for your own personal perspective upgrade. 

Sign me up!

Lightbody 101 was uniquely crafted for those who:

  • Have hit a Spiritual growth plateau
  • Are integrating contact experiences
  • Experience conditional access to their inner voice  (or trust) 
  • Have confusion about their experiences (why happenings, where they are)
  • Are experiencing a cycle of learning through aversions
  • Have discovered things that used to work aren’t working any more. You need a new level of work. 
Sign me up!

Time Commitment for this program: 

We know you're busy, so we created a course that can accommodate most schedules. 
With only a few hands-on hours a month, all of which are recorded to replay or watch later, we made this Reality Shift one that fits into your current reality.



Monthly Sessions:

Foundations Clinic - 2 hour session, 1st Sunday each month 

~ Lightbody 101 Clinic - 90 minute session, 2nd Tuesday each month 

Lightbody Activation - 75 minute session, 2nd Saturday each month

Bonus Sessions - Planetary Encodement - 75 minutes, 3rd Monday


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