Welcome to The Resonance Project 

About Stacy Hernandez

Restoring Our Human Connections & Authentic Relationships

Whether you are just starting to sense the whispers of your spirit or are ready to dive into new depths of self-awareness, we are here to meet, encourage, and support you on your journey.

You know The Resonance Project is for you if you connect with any of the following...

  • You have been feeling disconnected, stuck, or out of alignment. 
  • You know the wounds of your ancestors are holding you and your family back
  • You are ready to expand your intuition and discover your soul gifts
  • You want to foster deep connections within and with others.
  • You are longing for a community of like-minded, nurturing, and inspirational brothers and sisters. 


Are you ready to live a life of interconnectedness & authenticity?

Participating in the
various offerings of The Resonance Project will give you the tools and awareness to:

  • Amplify your soul connection 
  • Magnetize loving, nourishing relationships with yourself and others 
  • Liberate yourself from the stories, beliefs, and programming that are not in your truth 
  • Cultivate your spiritual gifts.


Explore What The Resonance Project Has To Offer

The Resonance Project is dedicated to restoring our Human Connections & Authentic Relationships


Ancestral Healing Journey

Through Classes and Private Sessions, we explore energetically old ancestral wounds and patterns to clear family programming and embrace your truth. Click below to book.
Ancestral Healing Classes Ancestral Clearing Private Session

Death Rites

In these Private Sessions, Stacy and her spirit team facilitate Death Rites for you to explore the parts of you ready to be released, or for deceased loved ones ready to heal and transition to their soul’s next step. We clear out energetic blocks and wounding to support deeper levels of unification and expansion within. Click below to book. 
Death Rites Private Session

Parenting in the New Paradigm

Through Classes and Private Sessions, we tune into and clear out blindspots connected to parenting. We explore the stories we tell ourselves and the ways we stay disconnected from our families so we can heal the past and cultivate authentic, connected relationships with our loved ones.
Join Here- TBA


Energy Tracking Clinic: During these Clinics, we hone in on our intuitive abilities by tracking energy through time and space in community. Join here.

Intuitive Energy Clearing: Through Private Sessions, Stacy and her spirit team connect on a soul level and through multidimensional awareness to discover and clear out what is holding you back. This allows you to expand your self-awareness and live more authentically. Join here.

Group Energy Clearing: In this Complimentary Monthly Offering, we dive into the energies impacting our collective as we come into deeper spiritual alignment. Join here. 

Stacy Hernandez is the Facilitator of the Resonance Project and a Multidimensional Intuitive. 

She is on a personal mission of expanding into the deepest levels of authenticity and connection, which is her path to inner freedom. She has a passion for supporting others on their path of self-discovery and spiritual awareness.  

Private Sessions

Stacy's nurturing, inclusive style of energy work supports your path of liberation and spiritual awakening by clearing energetic blocks and old wounding, as well as providing tools for self-expansion.She tunes into ancestral lineages, past lives, dark force influences, multidimensional levels, and so much more.

The types of private sessions Stacy offers include:

  • Ancestral Clearings
  • Death Rites
  • Energy Clearings

You can book a session here under private sessions.


Sherry, Oregon, USA

Playing with Stacy in the Quantum has been the best investment in my health and well being journey. Her abilities to help me expand in my awareness, clear blocks I didn't know existed and heal traumas that have been buried deep within my body are mind blowing. . Who knew how rewarding healing my Ancestral lineages and performing deathrites on them could be and how much it has impacted me and my family in this lifetime. The gift of liberation is priceless....

I love how Stacy brings light humor into our session regardless of how dark it may seem. I am so grateful for her showing me how to find my way home, back inside myself with grace, love and compassion.

Michelle & Ed, Alaska, USA

Stacy has been such a gift to myself and my husband. Whenever we are really struggling we turn to Stacy to help work through our difficulties and come away with a different outlook and less burdened. Stacy is a talented healer and I would recommend her to everyone. Stacy also gives you ways to help work within yourself to get through the issues you are having.

Odessa, Massachusetts, USA

My work with Stacy has been the most impactful aspect of my healing journey. To address severe anxiety and PTSD, I have engaged in just about every healing modality out there; talk therapy, pharmaceuticals, mindfulness, EMDR and even psychedelic treatment. They have all been helpful in one way or another but the one tool in my toolbelt that has been absolutely crucial to me feeling better on a day-to-day basis are my sessions with Stacy. It truly gives me the "bigger picture" for the experiences I am having in a way that I could have never done on my own. If I had to use one phrase to describe what I get from my work with Stacy, it would be Inner Peace. I can't explain what she does or how she does it, but the shifts I experience are tangible and embodied.