38. Syrian Stargate is open for the next 2 years! What does that mean for you?

2:36 New moon energy activation; energy & emotional patterns; Christina’s story of her processing Syrian Stargate energies; who/what is your multidimensional entourage

10:21 More about the awakening process, our integration with it, how it will affect AI; AI’s relationship with our journey

13:30 Stepping into who you are; current astrological patterning and how it’ll influence our self journey; humanity’s quantum leap from Homo sapiens to homo luminous; Syrian stargate openings

20:31 the infiltration in our consciousness, akasha can show itself, for you to decide what needs to be let go; how long do the affects of your self discovery sprints from the stargate last

24:00 astrological patterns is an open and close rhythm; this time, the Syrian stargate will be consistently open for the next 2 years

27:24 truth energy; we have to face the lies we tell ourselves; our choices of what we can do; what to anticipate over the next while

30:40 how do we navigate the stargate energies; reflect on how do you want to live; Reflect on the types of relationships you want to cultivate

37:24 Gamma rays & altering DNA; how does that affect our lightbodies; importance of love; what is the lightbody

45:00 Navigating the intense energies with as much ease- being in truth, be willing to love, have the courage to dream the world into being- pull forward what you want on a soul level

47:53 reality is as the river flows; Mars aspect alignment with ecliptic points; the malleability of our reality

51:27 Masculine energies coming into right relationship with the feminine

54:42 Reinforce your trust, your magic & creation in what you want to see in the world; letting of our attachments to baggage from the past (old frequencies); experiencing uncertainty in a loving adventurous state; how to stop re-creating the past

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