48. Confliction in Teachings

4:59 the fluidity of the layers of reality like a dream; conflicting teachings and how it causes confusion amongst people; mandala effect; reality is not cut & dry; how to liberate yourself from right & wrong attachments and limiting timelines; whatever timeline or teaching you feel a resonance with, that is yours to work with- it’s not about collecting evidence of being right; a reminder that reality is not what we think it is; the real medicine is going through feelings, thoughts, beliefs that attach you to ideas and being present with them to alchemize and liberate you from that perspective/timeline

14:36 changing your perspective and physical chemistry hence activating more to your DNA dance; an example of how that can happen

17:30 conflict within Starseed communities eg. earth is globe vs flat earth

18:40 our exposure to different nesting dolls’ constructs that help us alchemize leading to liberation; the point is how does the information change how you BE, to activate more in your DNA dance; how much more of your truth & quantum do you bring out in your moments

21:46 multiple disclosure movement narratives; different timeline realities unique to cultures; how can you discern- what stories help you feel liberated; you’ll liberate to a certain nesting doll

27:58 everyone is our teacher; pay attention to things you have an aversion to; true freedom is not having anything control your presence

32:20 Christina’s story in her experience in Tulum Mexico about being triggered with anger and how she processed it; you’re the deciding factor on what helps you within your interactions (everyone can be a teacher)

42:08 many people getting confronted with their reality; wayshowers holding a resonance in their DNA dance field which affects others

44:10 the narrative behind the global agenda for changing humanity’s DNA with the v$^x; how we can become incorruptible to nefarious technology and transmute it

49:15 Christina’s account on how you can transmute/alchemize eg. Cloud busting; using your focus and will to reprogram any element, situation etc.

53:20 Christina’s account about a ceremony and her connection to the sacred water and alchemizing

1:00:04 Difference between alchemizing land and gridwork

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