We have a new star in our skies! What does that mean?

dreamtime manifestation Nov 18, 2022

What does this star represent? Considered the bearer of peace, this star was manifested into our atmosphere by the intention of the collective wanting peace. Watch the video above to learn more about the story & messages behind this event.


Lunchtime Chats episode 97 Recap: The importance and impact of dreamtime magnetics


♥ Dreamtime and magnetics

♥ Importance of dreamtime

♥ The new star in our skies

2:50 The current shifts

3:15 Gamma rays- what it is; how does it affect us and our DNA

5:58 The new star in the sky- a bearer of peace; the collective of peace within humanity brought in the star; the importance of star’s manifestation in our reality

17:58 Dreaming the world into being; what is the realm of dreamtime, process & impact

26:42 Dreamtime & magnetics; the process of intention & preparing for dreamtime; the healing journey that’s part of dreamtime; the core themes in dreamtime;

34:33 The relationships to wounds change the deeper you work in dreamtime; how to remember your dreams via life force energy; what dreamtime shows you; how to capture the energy of the dream

41:40 After using dreams as tools for empowerment, you can step into your infinite nature; our  biosuit & the ‘yes’ in our spirit is what magnetizes specific aspects of our infinite; using our magnetics to receive encodements & activations for the reality we want;

55:18 Tools to empower yourself in dreamtime so you have energy to remember, clarity


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