Are you feeding narratives of suffering or narratives of thriving?

narratives Oct 07, 2022
Illustration of hand touching planets

Lunchtime Chats episode 91 Recap


Financial collapse and system revisions

The astrological timing with the current upheavals

 Dark lord of Saturn & Power-over-dynamics Structures to fall

  Discovering &prioritizing your value list


3:39 Financial collapse and system revisions; how narratives & marketing are carefully crafted; Mindset differences between millionaire & billionaire in what gets created & promoted;

13:50 Current narratives to trigger people on a large scale; the political games creating crisis to their advantage; how we are influenced to confirm their crisis play out

18:25 The astrological timing with the current upheavals (Uranus & Saturn position); Royal lineage & religion hijacking

22:15 Dark lords of Saturn; how it influences the current doom gloom narratives and how we react to it; the importance of our realization that we have the power not to create the narrative given to us; claiming our authentic truth is key

25:43 Value systems of being dependent vs independent, victim vs sovereign; Saturn’s role in the structures being broken down; Closing of cycles; the importance of focusing on our sovereignty and our hearts desire

33:43 Dark lord of Saturn & Power-over-dynamics Structures to fall (ie.religion, medical, education, ecology, food system, military, technology, financial); structures being challenged & crumbled by truth reveals of the manipulations and our change of focus; discover where your values are with the structures; focus on how you would like these structures to be

59:30 The falling of the financial system

1:03:28 Discovering your value list and putting your energy there

Are you feeding narratives of suffering or narratives of thriving? 

As we all know, we are bombarded with endless news stories. Even if we don't watch the news or scroll through social media often, we'll still hear about it from other people. It does not mean we have to hole ourselves up in isolation to avoid hearing it all. The key is to be aware of when we are giving it too much energy and become off-center. Are we feeling emotionally charged about? Are we spending too much time debating about it with others? Are we spending too much time in 'preparation' mode?

We also have to understand that the powers-who-wish-to-be spend a tremendous amount of effort crafting these stories so that the people indeed do get caught up in it. Even if we are arguing against doomsday narratives, that is still feeding energy for that narrative to solidify. Currently, many are preparing for food shortages, the monetary collapse, inflation etc. Sure, there needs to be some preparation but there is a big difference if you are doing it in panic mode, fear mode versus 'I trust I'll be in the right place at the right time' mode. 

Right now, there is a great opportunity to contribute to what reality comes forth. (Uranus and Saturn are big players in this! Learn more in the video) 

Yes, this is a time of transition, a time where systems will change. That is inevitable. 

But we have the power to choose how that will look. It may not seem like we have the power but indeed it rests within us! The powers-that-be know this, that is why they are working overtime in their story crafting to try and utilize our focus to benefit their agendas. Real-eyes that the minute we stop our focus on their stuff, there is no life force that can build what they want. 

This is a crucial time to claim our truths. What values do you align with? Feed that. 

If there's something in the world you don't like, what would you rather see? Keep your focus on that. Perhaps you loath the violations of human rights in the medical field right now. Then imagine a medical field where everyone is respected and cared for. Perhaps it's an ethical, holistic medical industry that combines both modern technology and natural healing methods. What would that look like? Go down that rabbit hole. Talk about it with others, feed that reality your energy. 

There's a saying that humans love drama. Perhaps it's more accurate to say humans just haven't had the proper guidance to step out of the drama shown to us on a daily basis. But when you understand the importance of claiming your sovereignty, discovering your authentic truths and doing things to nourish that, the drama becomes mundane and you start to only crave your hearts desire. That is a powerful beam you are emanating and it'll only be a matter of time when you physically experience only your heart’s desire. 




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