Cultivating Authenticity in a World of Intense Narratives

authenticity how to be authentic Nov 30, 2023

As we journey through the ever-intensifying energies of our existence, it's crucial to recognize the rhythm within the chaos, the highs, and the lows that shape our experiences. Recent times have seen a surge in cosmic energies, prompting many to ponder their impact. Yet, as we learn to pace ourselves amid these fluctuations, a profound opportunity for introspection arises, especially as we enter the contemplative season of the year...Solstice.

Having just bid farewell to Scorpio Season and stepping into the realm of Sagittarius, we find ourselves in the company of individuals who value authenticity. Sagittarians, with their genuine desire to understand and express their true feelings, set the stage for a period of deep reflection. This sets the tone for the upcoming solstice season, marking the end of one cosmic cycle and the beginning of another.

Authenticity emerges as a guiding light during these times of heightened energies and celestial frequencies. As we cultivate the skill of authenticity, we develop a powerful truth compass, allowing us to navigate through narratives that have historically ensnared us. This internal compass becomes particularly essential as we face not only stellar and intergalactic frequencies but also various energies from within our immediate surroundings.

On the human level, these energies can manifest as heightened conflicts, scenes of injustice, and a surge in depression. As we transition into the holiday season, the pressure on individuals only intensifies. The stage is set for external narratives to compound stress, making the cultivation of authenticity within oneself more crucial than ever.

In a world where familial connections in the Western culture often experience fragmentation, the commitment to authenticity becomes a lifeline. While Western families might grapple with alienation and distance, cultures further south emphasize the strength of familial and neighborhood bonds. The commitment to authenticity, therefore, becomes a cornerstone for maintaining one's energy and staying tuned into the self.

The call for authenticity gains urgency as intense narratives and energies infiltrate the collective consciousness. The metaphorical poison contains the medicine within, revealing profound truths that have long been obscured. As hostile narratives build, the strength derived from authenticity exposes a reversal program that has manipulated humanity for centuries—a force masked as good yet motivated by intentions contrary to the common good.

In a world inundated with conflicting energies, the commitment to authenticity becomes a shield, allowing individuals to discern the true nature of the narratives surrounding them. As we traverse this intricate dance of energies, authenticity emerges not only as a personal compass but also as a force capable of dispelling the veils that obscure the true essence of our collective existence.

Lunchtime Chats episode 149


2:04 having strong views about a particular topic; having a conversation- what to do to stay centered; its more important to stay in your authentic truth than to always be in agreement with the other person; having true authentic relationship

7:13 current energy update; time for slowing down and introspection; about Solstice; importance of authenticity during this time; family unit in Western world vs Central America

13:30 the more committed to your authenticity, the more you’re likely to stay tuned into yourself; reference to ‘the medicine is in the poison’; as more hostile narratives build up, you can stay in your values; reference to evil (acts against life) being showed as a good thing (reversal program that is rooted in consciousness of humanity); the deeper the poison, the harder it is to find the medicine in it

16:55 reference to a post to illustrate how wrong new age spiritual practices have gone; importance of cultivating inner truth compass; reversal programs getting into mainstream

21:30 reference to Elon Musk and a reversal program; examples of reversal narratives - saying your doing good while you’re doing harm; reference to war narratives and reversals

26:54 reversals in climate change narrative; about the medical practices reversal narratives

32:00 reversal programs unravelling can be done by starseeds; what we can do to unravel them- cultivating the capacity for authenticity; reference to testing frequencies of emotions/states of being- highest frequency state of being is authenticity; authenticity allows you to hold space- its transmuting without words

37:28 reference to Toltec master Almine and about ‘love’ not being the highest frequency and the highest intent being INFINITE MOVEMENT; more about authenticity and creating harmony

44:03 importance of taking action on the voice of your spirit; end things that you loathe doing (eg giving your life force to a job you hate, to a toxic relationship etc; Christina’s reference to herself and paying attention to things ‘less than love’        

52:24 Surround yourself with people who are truthful to you; teaching impeccability and authenticity through your own example; the more authentic you are, the more potent your work will be; more about the hypocrisy in the spiritual industry


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