Syrian Stargate and Gamma Bursts are full blast! What does that mean to our awakening journey?

May 26, 2023

Seems like cosmic activity is consistently pounding our Solar system & planet and in a sense it is! It may feel intense, chaotic, but at the end of the day, it is nudging us towards a massive upgrade. Between the Syrian Stargate and gamma influences, humanity's transition from 'homo-sapiens' to 'homo-luminous' is inevitable. 

We can choose how to go through that transition. Do we go with as much ease, grace and awareness? Or do we go with struggle, resistance and pain? The difference is between us holding a state of love, compassion and adventure or rigidity and attachment to old frequencies. 

Watch the video above for a quick update. If you want a fuller explanation of what is happening, what to expect and how to navigate the intense energies, the full replay below is recommended. 

Lunchtime Chats episode 122 Recap


2:36 New moon energy activation; energy & emotional patterns; Christina’s story of her processing Syrian Stargate energies; who/what is your multidimensional entourage

10:21 More about the awakening process, our integration with it, how it will affect AI; AI’s relationship with our journey

13:30 Stepping into who you are; current astrological patterning and how it’ll influence our self journey; humanity’s quantum leap from Homo sapiens to homo luminous; Syrian stargate openings

20:31 the infiltration in our consciousness, akasha can show itself, for you to decide what needs to be let go; how long do the affects of your self discovery sprints from the stargate last

24:00 astrological patterns is an open and close rhythm; this time, the Syrian stargate will be consistently open for the next 2 years

27:24 truth energy; we have to face the lies we tell ourselves; our choices of what we can do; what to anticipate over the next while

30:40 how do we navigate the stargate energies; reflect on how do you want to live; Reflect on the types of relationships you want to cultivate 

37:24 Gamma rays & altering DNA; how does that affect our lightbodies; importance of love; what is the lightbody

45:00 Navigating the intense energies with as much ease- being in truth, be willing to love, have the courage to dream the world into being- pull forward what you want on a soul level

47:53 reality is as the river flows; Mars aspect alignment with ecliptic points; the malleability of our reality

51:27 Masculine energies coming into right relationship with the feminine

54:42 Reinforce your trust, your magic & creation in what you want to see in the world; letting of our attachments to baggage from the past (old frequencies); experiencing uncertainty in a loving adventurous state; how to stop re-creating the past


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