Extraterrestrial disclosure movement, Dr. Greer and Discernment

extraterrestrials Jun 16, 2023

As many of you probably know, there was a National Press Club event this past week headed by Dr. Greer. The disclosure movement is reaching its full swing on BOTH sides of the fence. On one hand, you have authentic experiences; on the other, you have fabricated ones meant to manipulate & distort. It will be crucial to have a keen sense of discernment while the events unfold; and while more and more come out with their stories. There are many unseen factors involved when it comes to consciousness hijackings. Listen to the video above to or the full episode below. 

Lunchtime Chats episode 125


3:42 About Greer’s disclosure conference, the technology discussed

11:50 Christina’s story about being in Sedona & cloaked UFOs; real vs manmade

20:40 Discernment is critical with disclosure; mind control; mental compartmentalization; hijacking mechanisms

26:35 Barbara Handclow’s work- elemental consciousness; energetic infiltration via sex

31:11 Healing effects within your Jaguar consciousness; importance of the ‘feeling’ dataset

34:45 Programming in men when it comes to infiltrations; as you step into your power and divinity, an external partner may come as that divine counterpart- does not mean that it’s always possible to connect because of interdimensional interferences

37:11 Divine union- Immaculate conception; parthenogenesis; infiltration of divine union (interdimensional dynamic); What if a child is not conceived in a field of love? What are the repercussions?

43:30 Tantra being an infiltrated field; other areas of infiltrations; mention of David Wolfe and a reality show with Wiccan, vampire; blood letting and demonic presence

50:27 Reference to Spiritual sexuality; using discernment and energetic hygiene

51:46 Reference to Teal Swan of mystical abilities and sexual interactions; energetic harvesting

53:45 Humanity being opened to truths of unseen realms that shatter certain illusions;  the agenda of galactic federation empire; larger aspects of who we are are accessible & integrated- like a cosmic soul retrieval

58:08 How to be mindful of your energy in sexual interactions; Christina’s story of womb space healing and eliminating unwanted energy from past sexual partners; benefits of healing distorted sexual energies


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