Dreamtime Journey and Your Inner Compass

distortions dreamtime Sep 22, 2023

Deep within us lies an innate truth-sensing ability. It transcends logic and resonates within our being. This truth is multi-layered, like nesting dolls, reaching back through past lives in the Akashic records.

Nurturing this skill is crucial when working with dreams. Think of it as an inner compass that feels truth in your core, even if your mind struggles to understand it. It's a tool to decode both truth and deception.

Our physical world is an intricate illusion system, draining our life force. In this collective soup, falsehoods abound, infiltrating our thoughts. But a well-honed truth compass allows us to discern true thoughts, which empower and awaken us, from lies that lead to self-doubt and pain.

Working with Dreamtime holds the key. In dreams, the matrix's influence wanes, revealing deeper truths. Indigenous wisdom affirms that the dream world is more real because the matrix has less sway.

Explore dreamtime's rabbit holes, decode their mysteries, and tap into cosmic and galactic layers of consciousness. This journey doesn't involve interpreting dreams conventionally but rather feeling their energy. It sharpens your inner compass to navigate profound truths your being recognizes, even if your mind struggles.

As you delve into dreams, awakening your inner compass, you discover truths beyond the matrix's illusions. You connect with cosmic dimensions, activating your DNA, and unraveling deep-seated programs. It's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, led by your inner truth compass.

Discovering these dreamtime rabbit holes and unraveling their mysteries is at the heart of the Dreamtime Healing Project by Lightbody Academy.

Lunchtime Chats episode 139


1:32 Idea behind the technology that incepts thoughts, electromagnetic fields & sub-realities; our overlays of realities; reference to a video regarding a test of this technology; Christina’s experience with AI bots on social; reference to Maurguerite Rogoglioso 

15:21 Christina’s account on engaging online; reference to move ‘Clash of the Titans’ on inceptions; the changing of frequencies; 

18:30 Christina’s discernment approach on public figures; healing approaches of technology - frequency devices, music frequencies etc; those frequencies can also be used in nefarious ways; these technologies have been around for a long time

23:34 Christina’s account of her being engaged with the technology in an area with extraterrestrial activity

27:15 There are ways to unravel this technology; use life force energy to pull yourself out; what is voice to skull technology; we can overcome it by staying centered, grounded; the importance of focusing on your hearts desires and life force energy

31:40 An idea whose time has come is powerful; reference to a book The Magical Used of Thought Forms; take an idea and feed it energy for manifestation; the principle of a seed idea can be used nefariously also; be mindful of where you put your energy and focus on; our body shows us what isn’t true to us; how we get controlled by layering technologies

37:37 the risks of nefarious technology being put out right now with more people waking up; the importance of building a strong energy field & how to build that

42:50 we don’t know who we really are; our susceptibility to certain behaviours specific to certain people;

46:02 Decoding dreamtime; working with dreamtime sharpens your inner compass that can feel truth; the more you can feel truths, you can decode illusions; dreamtime is key to decoding our here and now reality; the matrix of dreamtime shows more truth and our waking world- the matrix of control is not as active there; importance of knowing your inner rhythms

53:25 A strong truth compass decreases your susceptibility to other influences; how you influence others with your field by default if you maintain a strong energy field; pulling from the outer nesting dolls is a powerful way to manifest

59:55 The version of us in the outer nesting dolls is always dripping knowledge to us; to wake up too quickly would cause too much damage to us; cycles of natural time and our evolution; waking up has to be done in increments


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