Dreamtime Recall Tips for Multidimensionals

5d activations dream recall dreamtime empath energy healing intuitive multi-dimensionals multidimensional being psychic sovereignty starseeds Nov 14, 2021

Hello, Dear Starshines!

This is Christina with Lightbody Academy.

This short recording was created to go over some tips that you can practice to help you in dreamtime recall...

TIP #1: Set Your Dreamtime Intention

First thing you want to do is set your intention each night.

Now, some people remember their dreams more than others. Sometimes it's very sporadic. Sometimes, you might, because of certain periods in your life, not have any dreams... or sometimes you'll get a lot of dreams!

But either way, whichever side of that fence you fall on, it's significant for you to set your intentions when you go to sleep each night.

If you have a really disturbing dream time, it's helpful to set your intention to set a safe space and to set an intention that only those beings that truly love and care for you can be in your presence while you're sleeping.

While asleep, you can then reclaim your dreamtime with your intention. And of course, you can also set that intention to wake up with a recall of your dream. 

We can also set our intentions to to drive dreams to a certain place to meet energies in a certain dream or to work out energies within your dreamtime like this.

Setting your intention is where everything begins. And if you make it a habit to just spend a moment and set that intention, it really helps with reclaiming your dream time and dreaming on purpose in using that energy in a way that this serves you in a way that makes you want to show up and work the energy and work the dreamtime.


TIP #2: Prepare For Bed

Now to prepare for bed. Dreams happen during the delta theta states, that's when the brainwaves predominant in your in your brain are along the bandwidth of delta and theta.

Now, this state of consciousness is a deeply altered state of consciousness... Most people don't have these kind of brain waves going through their brain while they're in a waking state. This is partially why we have difficulty remembering our dreams, because the brain waves that we need to be in, in order to touch these energies, are in the delta-theta bandwidth.

When we are in our waking state, we are in a different kind of bandwidth, which is the alpha and and beta, primarily beta-alpha is when you're really really happy and in a waking state. So, it takes practice to be able to be in an alert, awake state, and have contact with abstract data sets that you perceive when you're in a different bandwidth.

The more you practice, of course, the easier it gets. So when you prepare yourself for bed, what you're doing is you are preparing yourself... you're setting the stage for you to be in that altered state while still awake. And then, like I said, the more you practice this, the easier it is to be in both the alpha-beta state and in the delta-theta state at the same time.

The kinds of practices you can do are things like taking a meditative bath directly before bed or doing a gentle breathing meditation (you want to do a meditation that stimulates the parasympathetic response system in the body).

So that means to honor the "rest and digest" response of your physical body. This helps us be able to be in both those states of being at one time.

When your adrenal system is firing off and the hormonal cascade, the stress hormones are pulsing through your body, it's very, very difficult to to touch those abstract data sets that are in that delta-theta which is primarily when you become extremely focused and the beta bandwidth when your endocrine system is in the fight or flight response or "mode."

We want to do things that help stimulate a deep relaxation response, so that parasympathetic response is shutting off and calming down your nervous system and putting you into that rest and digest state.

So pretty much any practice that works to relax you is a good way to prepare for bedtime. It's different for everybody. I did put reading on this list (in the video)... And I don't mean like reading as in material for work or self help books, but by "books," I mean reading material that nourishes your soul that that inspires you, that feeds you in some way. Something that brings you into an uplifted state of being... THAT'S the kind of reading you would want to do.


TIP #3: Avoid Electronics Around Bedtime (30 minutes before and after)

The other thing is to avoid is (especially if you have a difficult time remembering your dreams) electronics, 30 minutes before going to bed and 30 minutes after waking up.

This is really important because electronics influence our nervous system, our awareness state, and our endocrine system. The light from these electronics have a very significant impact on our physiology in those three ways.

Blue light affects our state of awareness by stimulating our adrenal system (our alerts) and brings us into our really alert state. That state is a beta frequency that is linear minded. So, blue light brings us into that linear, awake mind.

Software companies have figured this out... And that's why we have so many social media platforms and whatnot, that have a lot of blue light in their design! It's because that will keep us alert and engaged on the content that we're looking at.

The other thing that intense light does is that it focuses our mind into the linear world, it focuses us into that beta bandwidth. As I said earlier, it's difficult to allow the abstract data sets to be within the awareness while deeply entrenched in the linear thinking of the beta frequency.

Of course, and previously mentioned, the more you practice being in both places, the easier it gets. But, but in general, if you're having difficulty connecting with your dream time, this is a really good place to to start making changes... especially if the opposite is something in your habit, like say if you fall asleep watching TV or fall asleep reading stuff on your phone.

The other thing (and I already mentioned above) is that intense light triggers your adrenal system. And again, that's focusing your awareness into the beta state or beta frequency.

The final notable thing that intense light does is that it focuses our attention on the sense of our sight, and sight keeps our brain locked into the linear world.
So that whole adage, "Seeing is believing," right? Well, there's lots of things that we can see that aren't actually the truth, that's actually an illusion. And, alternatively, there's lots of things that are actually true, that we can't actually see with our eyes. So this adage is misleading when you are working in dreamtime... when you are stepping outside of the need to make 3D the priority and your visual stimulation being a priority in your perceptions.

So, there's a ton of benefits to staying away from electronics before you go to bed and after you wake up.

The same reasons to stay away from electronics before you go to bed are the exact same for waking up... except it's a flipped kind-of situation.

When we are slowly waking up or when we are coming out of a dream state, we are still altered it takes a while... whether we like it or not, although some people can shake it off and hit the ground running. It all depends on you and how you are. But when you wake up and are still cozy in bed, see that as a great opportunity to remain in that altered state a bit longer and bask in the brainwaves that are conducive to recalling the abstract data sets of your dreams. 


TIP #4: Use Herbs or Essential Oils

Another thing you can do is that you can work with herbs and essential oils. Now there are many out there and I'm not an herbalist, so while I cannot prescribe specific herbs to take I can share with you things that I have personally done that assisted me in dreamtime recall.

One of the herbs that I've used in the past was a mugwort tincture. The mugwort tincture, comes in two kinds, you know mugwort that's cultivated but then there's also something called "Wild Crafted." And this refers to herbs that are grown in the wild that are harvested through gathering... That's my preferred "flavor," or my preferred way to use tinctures in general is through wildcrafted herbs, but Wild Crafted is not necessary. Go with what your intuition says to do. I got great results from my using of mugwort tinctures... but there are also other tinctures out there of Syrian Rue and different kinds of plant medicines that you can also use if you feel so drawn.

Another thing you can do is essential oils. And I would suggest not using blends but using essential oils that are the pure plant.

Again, use your intuition and perhaps book a consult with an herbalist to to see what oils are right for you to help in assisting you in both sleeping and dream recall.

There are there's a young lady in our program get the gave us the feedback that rosemary oil on her feet and temples helped her with her dream time recall. It all depends on your frequency and that of the central oil. So, of course, use your use your proper discernment around that.

Another thing you can do is use plant medicines... Now plant medicine is a sacred connection and something normally you get acquainted with within the context of ceremony. So, that is a wonderful ally to enlist to assist in the dreamtime recall.
The other beautiful thing about sacred plants (especially when you've become in contact with them in the context of ceremony) is that you can also enlist those plans to assist you in dreamtime as help in not just recalling the dreamtime, but actually working WITH you in the dreamtime. So plant medicines are a really potent force to work with if you feel drawn to. And if you do feel drawn, I would encourage you to explore that route. 


TIP #5: Wake Up Slowly and Ease Into Your Day

The other thing I encourage you to do is wake up slow and ease into your day. I know many Westerners are in the habit of having an alarm clock that you BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ's... or the radio starts blasting and and then we hit the off button and jump up and get into the day.

If you have the time and space, I would encourage you to get away from that habit. Perhaps maybe even make some extra time and hit snooze, so you can go a little bit back to sleep and have that that time between waking and sleeping to recall and connect in with the data sets of the dream that you had the night before... Or even sometimes you had that morning! 

Also, when you're coming out of sleep it's a wonderful opportunity to stay in that altered state! Bask in the altered state (even if only a little bit) as long as you can. You can do this for a half hour but some people can make that out to be even longer.

This is a wonderful practice of allowing your mind to be conscious and still be in the altered state. Like the residue from dreamtime, that altered state from being in the delta-theta frequencies while you're awake. So now you're introducing alpha-beta frequencies into co-existance in the brain, along with these other frequencies a delta-theta.


TIP #6: Don't Try to Journal Right Away

Another thing that I recommend, especially this is for people who have a difficult time journaling their dreams is to not try and journal right away.

Sometimes when we journal it's overwhelming and we have so much to tell in our story and it often takes a long time to journal the all of the details. Hold off on doing this.

Instead, maybe doodle or make a drawing that encapsulates the feeling of the dream, or perhaps note if there was any imagery, note colors or whatever else. Acknowledge those pieces, and maybe make some bullet points of some themes, some images, some cues from your dream. And then after you wake up and you get into your alpha-beta state, then go back and review those notes to try and start journaling then.

The reason why we do this is because the dream state is SO abstract. If you're having difficulty recalling, exhale... it's a big leap to go from that abstract place into the linear place that you need to be in order to write.

If this is something that is an issue for you, I encourage you to try it this way... Just Just hold off on actually trying to write the whole dream and try doodling or do something else to try to encapsulate the energy first, before you really get your linear mind going and getting involved in the recall.


TIP #7: Revisit the Position You Were in When You Were Sleeping

Another thing we tend to do is think (and this actually happens a lot if you ever have a dream when you know that you're in the dream), "I am going to totally remember this. No, I'm gonna remember this." And then you wake up and it's there for a minute. As soon as you roll over. It's gone, and you can't touch it anymore with your awareness...

In that in those kinds of situations, I suggest revisiting the position you were in, when you were sleeping at the time when you were like, "I'm going to remember this dream." Revisit the position, and let yourself go even a little fall back to sleep a little bit while you're in that position, with the intent (see intention is coming up again) of reconnecting and touching that dream. This can be very helpful because of body memory, you're just revisiting the frequency that you came from when you were experiencing the dream.


TIP #8: Bring the Bits and Pieces Into Meditation

Another thing you can do, and this is great when you only have tiny bits and pieces of the dream, is actually go into meditation. Do whatever practice you do to bring yourself into a deep meditative state. And then just start bringing little bits and pieces that you have from your dream into your awareness while you're in the meditative state. The reason why this is so effective is because when you're in dreamtime, you're in delta-theta frequencies, and when you're in meditation, that's activates the same delta-theta frequencies.

So you are practicing being in your conscious mind and in the delta-theta frequencies at the same time... And when you're in that state of being your dreamtime is much closer to the conscious mind than when you're just in a linear state of mind. So meditation is a great tool in this case.


TIP #9: Keep It in the Abstract to Flush Out More Data Sets

Alright, now, when I say, "keep it in the abstract to flush out more data," this also kind of connects into, "don't journal right away."

So, what I mean by keep it in the abstract is don't try to make sense of the story.
Don't try to make sense of the scene.
Just let the scenes the feelings, the smells, the images, come to you

Let yourself keep going over them, the more you go over them in your memory, the more your brain is "plowing tracks through snow." It's like the more you go over it, the deeper those tracks get, and the easier it is to access these memory pieces.

So don't try to bring understanding or meaning into what it is the dream brought to you. Keep it in the abstract as much as possible. This is especially important if you have a difficult time with that recall! Try not to bring your linear understanding into the dream recall at first.


TIP #10: Pay Attention to the Feeling That is With You When You Wake Up

This is huge, because most the time we actually do remember our dreams, but we don't have images. Instead, we have feelings, and senses and, you know, stuff like this.

So how you feel, the state of being you're in when you're waking up, is very close to the state of being you were in while in your dream. Paying attention to those kinds of fields is huge.

We've had some amazing dream labs, where all the person had was a feeling that they woke up with. From there, we were able to track into very deep places and really go to some profound ramblings with the dreamtime... when all the person had was the feeling that they woke up with!!! This is still so this is a really potent data set, even though it doesn't say save the logical mind.


TIP #11: Make Sure You Are Getting Enough Sleep 

You also need to make sure you're getting enough sleep. Okay? Don't shortchange your sleep!!!

If you normally sleep five hours and all of a sudden you need eight hours, let that be so to make space in your life to accommodate that need.

Getting enough sleep is important for your "rest and digest" state of being... it's important for your body's repair system. So when you are getting enough sleep, you're giving your body ample time that it needs to repair itself to rest and then, of course, to dream.


TIP #12: Don't Give Up! Commit to Sticking With Your Dreamtime Recall Practice

The last thing... don't give up!!!  Commit to stick with it no matter what. 

Don't give up making dreamtime a priority in your life. The more you stick to it and the more resolved you are to do it no matter what, the the easier it's going to get. You eventually feel the resistance that you have inside of you, that acts like a wall between you and your dream time and work with it. 


Thank you so much for reading (or listening) to this blog post about Dreamtime Recall.
I hope the insight you find here helps you on your journey. 





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