Working in Harmony: Bridging the Gap Between Ego and Spirit

ascension ego-driver Oct 25, 2023

In the realm of self-discovery and spiritual growth, the concept of temperance often takes center stage. It's about finding that delicate balance, a synergy between the ego and the spirit, aligning your true self with the essence of your being. It's a transformation that leads us away from the old paradigm and into something deeper, a profound sense of peace and harmony with oneself.

But what does it mean to transition from the adversarial relationship with our ego to one of collaboration? This transition takes us on a journey towards compassion, patience, and forgiveness. In the past, our ego may have been a tangled mess, like a set of nesting dolls, each layer controlling our perceptions and choices through shame, guilt, and trauma. This understanding of manipulating the ego is not just human, but it's also believed to be an extraterrestrial science, practiced by entities such as the CIA.

With patience, temperance, compassion, and forgiveness, we now strive to unravel the opposition within ourselves. Often, we feel conflicted and indecisive because different aspects of us are at odds. One part seeks to maintain the status quo, while another longs for liberation. It's a battle within, and it's time to make peace.

One useful technique for achieving this inner harmony is deep meditation. By reaching a meditative state and calling forth the conflicting parts of our being, we can engage in a dialogue. When faced with a decision, and you find yourself torn between different desires, this process can be illuminating.

Begin by focusing your breathing and settling into your body. Ask yourself how you feel, and without judgment, observe the various conflicting thoughts and emotions that surface. What you'll often find is that these parts, which initially seem in opposition, ultimately want the same thing but have different strategies to achieve it.

Compassion, presence, and forgiveness play a crucial role in reconciling these inner conflicts. The goal is to bring these two opposing parts into agreement so that they can work together in harmony, no longer sabotaging each other. It's not about making one part right and the other wrong. It's about resolving the polarity dance within.

This inner transformation also has profound implications in our external lives. If you find yourself yearning for something, but a litany of reasons why it's unattainable, these reasons are rooted within you. To move forward, you must address the part of you that believes in its powerlessness or limitations.

The key is not to try and force these parts into submission; it's about giving them a voice, bearing witness to their existence, and respecting their presence. Every aspect of you exists for a reason, and acknowledging this is a critical step towards inner peace and unity.

In this process, we learn to step out of the old power dynamic of demanding conformity from within and move into a new paradigm where unity and cooperation become the guiding principles. We are all in this together, working towards a common direction that benefits us all.


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