Embracing Our ET Legacy: A Call to Cosmic Dreamers

extraterrestrials sovereignty Dec 14, 2023

The interdimensional realm has long been a playground for diverse extraterrestrial races, influencing the course of human history in ways we are only beginning to fathom. Until recently, the intricate dance between these star people and Earth was orchestrated by ruling elite sorcerers, seers, and shaman who acted as intermediaries in the exopolitical arena.

Over the millennia, the stage of cosmic interaction has witnessed the involvement of various ET races, ranging from the benevolent Nordics and Pleiadians to the enigmatic Zeta Reticuli and some less amicable reptilian entities. The exopolitical landscape is complex and expansive, with governments, sorcerers, and indigenous elders all playing their parts, each with their own agendas.

In the last five years, a shift has occurred. Certain factions of humanity have accelerated their understanding of these interdimensional realms, transcending the need for reliance on external technologies or agreements with extraterrestrial beings. This newfound awareness empowers us to step into the exopolitical arena as sovereign representatives, forging our own path toward a future of abundance and peace.

The call to action is clear: engage with your dreams. Our dream level is a gateway to the cosmic stage, where each of us possesses the capacity to be a voice in the exopolitical dialogue. The spiritual principles that govern these realms are rooted in the unseen, and as we prioritize and take seriously our connection to the spiritual world, we unlock the ability to shape our reality.

The enslavement envelope that has blinded humanity over millennia can be unraveled through a collective effort to unlearn ancestral limitations. Indigenous lineages, held by energies of compassion and abundance, serve as beacons of the potential for positive change. However, it is crucial to recognize that not all agendas align with the betterment of humanity, and discernment is key as we navigate this cosmic landscape.

Imagine a world where each individual becomes their own representative in these realms, contributing to a grassroots movement for real change. What legacy would you leave for future generations? This is an opportunity for humanity to reclaim its capacity to dream the world into being, free from external influences and agendas.

Beyond the confines of 4D reality, the awakening to our true selves involves reclaiming the power to shape our destiny. As the Earth heals from ancient cataclysms, we have the potential to become an open-source code cosmic library—a free zone for the cosmic mother to express her fullness, welcoming all life to study, create, and coexist without dominion or control.

In this disclosure movement, the essence of our collective power lies in our ability to reclaim our cosmic heritage and stand as sovereign beings. The journey to self-realization extends beyond the individual, beckoning us to co-create a reality that honors the vastness of our potential. It is time to step into our capacity, retake command of our collective dreams, and forge a future where humanity is the master of its cosmic destiny.


Lunchtime Chats episode 151


3:10 elders and dreamtime for the purpose of legacy

4:17 Mercury Retrograde; the planetary energies and how to work with those energies; an ideal time to reflect on things; importance of expressing energies to let it flow vs fighting it

10:25 difference between Western and Vedic astrology

12:54 navigating energies moving backwards (retrograde); reflecting on how you engage with this world & get clarity; the area of your life to reflect on depends on where Mercury is based on your chart; time to take care of self and multidimensional self

18:37 elders’ of the ancient lineages & teachings on our awakening & transition journey; they are far more advance- they don’t need technology to access certain knowledge; extraterrestrial interdimensional communication; reference to our Star families with different human DNA

22:40 new introduction to DNA pool; time of the flood and the Anu race and human genomes; most humans being descendants of the Stars; disclosure movement not 100% accurate; dreamtime and accessing realms and beyond blindspots; dreamtime and harmonizing energies

30:50 there are some tribes that have not been conquered by western, outer world, the inquisition; their attempt to warn people to wake up; these tribes know about the technologies of our time ie AI- via their dreamtime; reference of a Seer and a new star in the sky- the human call for peace; elders knowledge without the need for technology by engaging in dreamtime; how elders stay impenetrable from Western world manipulation and influences

43:50 working with curiosity without blindspots; the role of Seers in villages; waking up from control matrices; sounds and morphic fields

48:18 looking at where Mercury is in your chart to harmonize the energies; the need for ‘pressure release’ for pieces of truths; controlled pressure releases by the control system to their advantage; stellar winds impact on us

52:18 Activation from ET encounter or presence with non-human entity; stages for activation progressing quickly; why dreamtime is important for this journey

54:48 ET races and human contact; in the past, only certain sorcerers were able to engage, then the govt’ and now more of the general public is able to engage; the importance of more of us stepping up in a multidimensional way so we can be a representative in a sovereign way when engaging with interdimensional beings; we do not have to come into agreement with other beings if we reclaim our own capacity; importance of open source code- no being has control or dominion    


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