How to experience more harmony VS disharmony within ourselves & relationships

death doula death rite energy harmony harmony Sep 30, 2022
How to experience more harmony VS disharmony within ourselves & relationships

Lunchtime Chats episode 90 Recap

♥ Discerning energy drains

♥ Helping others with harmony rather than disharmony

Disempowerment triangle walk-through


2:16 Navigating & discerning energy drains

6:30 The importance of knowing how to surf synchronicities; fine-tuning + harmonizing our discernment and frequencies; helping others with harmony vs disharmony; example of helping others vs saving someone

17:58 The boundaries with accepting people to keep self-empowerment intact; harmony within relationships and how it looks like; how disempowerment relationships look like

24:58 The addiction to suffering and disharmony; how not knowing who we really are contributes to the addiction; how someone with self-harmony can interact with someone who has self-disharmony

29:46 Disempowerment triangle walk-through (victimhood/perpetrator/saviour)

38:51 Our unique wayshowership; how we show up to our wayshowership depends on our inner harmonics; death rites/death doula; the liberation process between being in our biosuit, bypassing the bardos, life review and reincarnation cycle and go direct to their lightbody level; how starseeds can help with this liberation process

56:41 Example of a death rite and results

Creating Harmony Within Yourself is Key to Plugging the Energy Drains


Many people are feeling a spectrum of internal discomfort. From a subtle dissatisfaction to full blown anxiety and inner chaos. Whether the trigger are external events, circumstance, people, and or our own resistance. It is important to discern where our energy drains are in order to plug the drain. We need to be aware of how we unconsciously invite energy drains into our everyday lives. We especially need to reserve our energy stores for our marathon self-growth journey during these more than ever. 

What everyday things ruffle your internal peace? Is it something you heard on the news? Something you read on social media? Perhaps its a friend or family member that just can't see things your way? Whatever it is for you, be aware of it and take accountability to take steps in harmonizing yourself so you don't get off balance. 

Easier said than done you may think? 

That's where accountability comes in. Perhaps rather than participating in the habits that cause discomfort, take steps to discontinue those. ie. Stop watching the news, decrease social media time, walk outside more, eliminate negative gossip, etc. Be mindful that these habits are not only physical actionable pieces. What's most important, are the mental traps of our own programming. ie. I need to control the outcome of XYZ, I need to continue this because it's always been done this way, I need to sacrifice my happiness in order to survive, etc. 

Even those 'awake' beings can fall into the trap of mental control (aka: Savior Syndrome)

Yes, those already well along on the awakening path fall into this common scenario. For example, when you try to wake others up to the point of intense debate where the other party just doesn't get you. Yet you still try to help while you feel frustrated and impatient that they just aren't seeing it. That is disharmony at work. What if you try to help someone and if they don't budge, Do you allow them their choice from a neutral stance?

If the other party is open to your perception, you will sense it and the harmony in the dynamic can continue. But that requires them to meet you halfway. Anything not reciprocated would cause disharmony within the relationship. It is up to you to discern where the limit is. This is primarily based on how you feel. 

Navigating chaos with inner harmony

As we move forward in times of change and people's difference of opinions of that change, this is key to walking the fine line between disempowerment or empowerment. 

Get to know your truths; discern what triggers your peace; get to know what is your threshold between feeling neutral & peace VS triggered & emotionally charged; create boundaries based on your threshold. For example, if you feel at ease with a friend or loved one but the minute the conversation touches upon current events, the difference of opinions cause strife. Perhaps rather than feeling obligated to get into this conversation, just stop and don't go there. It's ok to place limits within relationships. 

Perhaps your strife doesn't have anything to do with relationships. It could be an activity or career that you've grown accustomed to but no longer desire; yet you continue for the sake of 'it's just what I do.' You can imagine the disharmony that builds up from that. 


Creating and maintaining harmony within yourself requires self-awareness and courage.

But it is worth it when you see everything fall in place for you from this state of being. 





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