Ideas Are Dangerous!

May 05, 2020


Hello darling star shines Christina here with Rise of the Multi-dimensional Human and the Light Body Academy. I'm making this quick video because I just wanted to do a little rant a little bit because there's so much craziness going on with the different kinds of information coming out, and the people doing all this research and sharing their information and that and then getting banned. There's a lot of interesting stuff, but I find that the most prolific information in the media is the stuff that is fear mongering, which is quite interesting. Like the whole mandate with the masks that we know, actually scientifically that doesn't work whether it's Airborne or molecules or whatever.


There's all the stuff that's hurting the people who are in reaction mode. But really what I want to say about this is because people are very frustrated about the real science of virology. Yeah, I can say that. You know, in the other things that are part of this, the real science is getting suppressed and a lot of doctors and other clinical researchers and stuff are getting banned for sharing the information that they have like Dr. Erickson in California. His live briefing that he did was banned the whole thing got taken offline and then later on snidbits of what he said was released on the internet.


Unfortunately those snidbits just completely make him look like a radical, which is odd because he is the department head in the hospital but anyway... So there's stuff like this and people are starting to feel very hopeless like we're up against this machine that is far vaster than we are, that is... you know, we just feel powerless up against these pieces. Especially when you have a collection of people who are so fearful, it's really... I can feel how dangerous their Fear is if you go into a situation not abiding by the collective lie, you know, 


This is a pretty serious situation for all of us in that way. We are lucky here in Colorado because we can sit outside on our porch, and we're allowed to go hiking outside. I mean, I walk the open space. I mean we have a lot more freedom here than other people in the world. 


I have connections with people in Italy and in Spain and in the UK and in Sweden and you know different places around the world that we're hearing these horror stories from. I can't help but you know... I feel like some of those horror stories are-- some of them-- it's very reactionary very emotional and some of it exaggerated, but you know some of its not some of it is very real. 


Here's the thing. I'm trying to get up to the point here. [laughs] The point that I want to make is that when we are in touch with who we are beyond our face and beyond the linear... what everybody's invested here; those constructs; those structures, our powers are not in battling those structures. Our battle is within ourselves to stay in a clear calm place and stay in command, or remain sovereign of our mental, emotional, spiritual self through all this.


What's important to realize is that we are so deeply interconnected that when it's time for an idea to arrive, in this case, I'm going to say sovereignty sovereignity. When it's time for an idea to arrive, no technology, no government structure,no 3D-4D structure can keep that idea from coming to humanity. It's impossible. Because when it's time for an idea to arrive many many humans around the planet think of it. They have the brilliant thought. This has been proven over and over again with major scientific discoveries. 


Okay, like... I can't my brain is starting to... There's certain mathematic[?] algorithms that we had major breakthroughs, and there were multiple people who had those breakthroughs at the same time. There's a wonderful study done on this about, you know, different forward-thinking minds, geniuses around the world having thoughts for an invention all at the same time around the same; same time in the same decade. 


People might wonder why this is so. The reason in the this is what I'm telling you: It's because when it's time for an idea to arrive; when it's time for humanity to wake up for something, multiple people will wake up to it all at the same time. It doesn't matter about media. It doesn't matter about structures reinforcing it. It doesn't matter about the resistance of the the sheeple and the collective. It does not matter when it's time for humanity to wake up to something, nothing can stop it. Nothing can stop it. That is why ideas are so freaking powerful and unstoppable. Because you can kill one person with the idea but can you kill 10 million people with the idea? 


Can you- you know what I mean? Who do you go after when it when it's as large population of people who have awoke to an idea? Okay, so you can kill people but that doesn't do anything but make martyrs and give the idea more strength. We know this in our history. 


So I want to convey this to all of you guys who are really feeling the anxiety. Maybe you're doing a lot of research and there's a lot of information coming to you that's feeling rather discouraging. I know it was for me because when I saw that that briefing that Dr. Erickson was doing you know about his numbers that he was collecting in California. I was like... It was a breath of-- It was a sigh of relief for me. I was like, "finally common sense is being spoken in the in the public domain."


Then his video gets banned and he gets totally slammed. So I'm like, "okay, maybe not this time," I just want to just reach out to you guys and give you some encouraging words with this or [inaudible] reality about this. This is a real tangible thing, that when it's time for the idea to emerge from within humanity it does, and no technology no amount of programming, no madam trauma drama can keep it from happening and this is so a technology is being given to humanity but also other ideas about personal sovereignty and and how our value systems work in this reality. 


Right now there's a lot of humans waking up to this stupidity of the system. Especially with the food, people are being told to kill their entire herd or dump out all their milk or throw out vast amounts of food when there's all kinds of people that are really desperate need, and instead of following the orders these what these organizations are doing; they are giving the food away to the homeless. They're giving the food away to the people who need it because they're saying, "fuck that structure! that is absolutely against my value system! I'm here for humanity and I have something to offer humanity to make a difference for somebody's life. So fuck you. I'm going to do it!" You see what I'm saying? 


This is an awesome time in humanity right now because we are waking up to realize that these control structures that are in place are completely in place and effective because we say yes to it. All we need to do is change our mind and no longer say yes to it... and what do you know, are cops going to come and stop those people from giving that food away? No, because common sense is prevailing in the individual. 


So let me see, let me check in with some comments here. Hi Darlings! Hello! My most favorite people are here. Hello darling darling Taya and Lilac and Michael and Iyel[?] Yeah. Hey, how you doing? Jamie? Elaine? and Beverly? Isabella? 


I can actually see the names now. Okay, so I got some comments here. Dear brother Mike says, "humanity created this virus to help them wake up from the slumber. It is definitely a catalyst." absolutely, it is a catalyst. 


Dear sister Hodai[?] says, "hi, they should give it away." A lot of them are giving the food away and I just got wind of... a federal federal rule with the FDA in the slaughtering process and all this. All those regulations have just gotten lifted which means that cattle ranchers are able to put their animals through their own slaughter process and disperse the the meat accordingly, or maybe just give a community a cow and have them take care of it. 


This is groundbreaking because this is part of what has anchored the mentality of slavery and fear into humanity is what we've done to our food, Not just growing, but what we do with the animals. It's like the way they are raised the way they are slaughtered are all significant to the people who consume the meat. So I'm not like for or against eating meat, to each his own on this. But the process that was mandated by our federal government was quite literally anchoring in trauma fear; into the actual tissues and people are eating that so people. You know what I mean? 


  So this little regulation getting lifted and changed, I feel like is a huge... It seems like something small, but it's actually something huge. It's actually something that's going to change people from the inside. You know what I mean? So that's pretty good. That's pretty cool. 


  But there you go, that's pretty much my rant. When it's time for an idea to arise from within humanity, wild horses can't stop it; AI technology can't stop it; 5G can't stop it; government, whatever ridiculous oppression all that stuff, nothing can stop it because it's for everybody on this planet. It's not just for one group of people and many people wake up to it at the same time. 


  Why? Because we are all connected. We are all dreamers. We are all dreaming within the same dreamscape. So there's no one left behind. There's no one left out. Okay. Thank you darling so much for listening to my little rant here about ideas. Hopefully this is encouraging, what I'm saying to you guys about this. The ideas are here and it's time for it to rise and right now we're just looking at the growing pains of, what it looks like, an idea that's against how everything has been in the past is arising from within us. 


  Thank you, darling. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you ha. I'll see you later.                                                                                                                                                         



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