Moving from old paradigm to new paradigm with as much ease as possible

ascending 5d sovereignty Oct 19, 2023

As much as we want the new paradigm of reality to be here now in an easy way, the process can be an arduous, challenging and confusing one. Not only do we have to navigate our own awakening process, our blindspots, we also have to accept and have compassionate and patience for the collective to go through their journey. Now, we are by no means going at a snail's pace as a collective. In fact, the process of awakening is accelerating much faster now than it was even a decade ago. But transformation still cannot be forced onto others nor is it a short sprint of a journey. It is rather a marathon than is encouraged to be met with curiosity, beauty and adventure. 

While some may go through the changes with resistance, rigidity and control; those that are diligent in their inner work may very well get through the changes with much more ease and grace. In turn, they can help others having a difficult time if they so choose. So what can moving towards the new paradigm and letting go of old paradigms look like? Feel like? What interdimensional support can we turn towards during this time?

Stay the course with love. This journey of self-discovery and collective evolution is a quest for a better, more connected & compassionate world that is inevitable. Watch the replay and let us know what you've been experiencing. 


Lunchtime Chats episode 143

3:40 Awakening journey experience: Piscean age to Acquarius; eclipse & equinox influence

8:12 Piscean & nesting dolls; Christina’s account of old feelings; Shamanic paradigm; developing relationships with nature

11:34 collective decisions around current leadership; what is the threshold of when we say enough to old paradigm; creating via thoughts & emotions; taking actions based on beauty & harmony; new paradigm is a revolution from the bottom up; letting go of the old paradigm

17:17 dragon consciousness is waking up within us all; experience of looping disempowerment realities; the importance of allowing dragon consciousness, our larger aspect of self to come up; the marathon of awakening cycles; the collective experience of new paradigm consciousness- it’s a buildup process

23:03 Working with the ego-driver; difference from slaying ego to working with it- going towards compassion, forgiveness, patience; overcoming the difficulty making decisions; holding space for self limiting beliefs; the unification foundation of the new paradigm

29:10 elemental presence within us, in nature, and around; we can work with the energy of the elemental realm; the concept of sovereign water bearers; changing our relationship with old paradigm pieces ie. lack, victimhood, Armageddon, etc; downloading light codes; reference to bamboo tree growth

34:10 as we move through the flow of things, things become more of an adventure, it becomes exciting as a new direction of purpose; reference of Christina working with elders in 2006 and 9 specific transmissions that can wake up every human

36:50 reclaiming our star heritage, the records of the star systems, the memories of our souls journey; support in dreamtime; as it comes time for more transmissions and activations, it can challenge who we think we are

39:36 reference to working with an immortal master Almine; about her work

44:56 the elemental realm has stories to share with us; as we go from old paradigm to new paradigm, we are asked to become a sovereign creator; we become unstoppable when we commit step by step- this is how we take our reality back; bringing beauty, it invokes love

50:40 Christina’s account of her environment of community

53:40 Acquarian age being a birthing of global shamanic paradigm; as we find ways to heal, exist our soul desires, this is how we wake up to the powers of the invisible world

56:20 Fairy realm and ancient cultures; we’re going into the time of ancestors; as we forgive and heal in this process, we will unravel more and bring to surface what needs to be processed


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