The new moon eclipse and Pluto gives us a major boost in taking the leap to our dreams

creation empowerment pluto Apr 20, 2023

The current new moon eclipse along with Pluto's presence, gives us major boosts to self-transformation and calling in our true desires. Are you truly ready to take the leap and let go of what holds your energy down? How can you navigate this time period of the eclipse?

Pluto is urging us all to focus and put our bandwidth towards the reality we really want. It is our time to take advantage of major Cosmic support and claim our empowerment! Watch the video above to learn more. 

Lunchtime Chats episode 117 Recap


2:40 Sacredness of the moon, Moon’s influence on our consciousness; relationships with time; hyperdimensionality; moon’s frequencies; expansion of our perceptions of the different layers of the moon

13:36 Cycles in spirit time; finding harmony with multiple cycles; getting complete pictures of reality; current polarization as a distraction

18:12 Current eclipse conjunct with Pluto; what does it represent; how to navigate the eclipse- focus on what is the most important to your truth, your soul; Pluto and transformation

22:43 Temptation of distraction (right vs wrong) are strong; what is the black moon; how to address right vs wrong perceptions

29:00 Solar flares, gamma bursts and its purifying influence; responsibility to dreaming your world into being vs living by default; Pluto urges us to focus on the reality we want to have and go after it; it’s time to transcend disempowerment programs

36:30 We need to step up as multidimensional sovereign beings and create the reality we want

39:40 For Fire signs, this is an extra powerful eclipse period; cycles within cycles and it’s impact on our intentions; importance of dreamtime and its insights

49:42 Zones of energy of our visions; many beings support these zones (nature, pachamama, Milky Way galaxy)

54:55 The next 3 days are the most potent garden to plant seeds



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