The meaning and use of words that keep you stuck in 4D | Manifesting in New Paradigm

Aug 25, 2022

Lunchtime Chats episode 85 Recap

♥ Use of & meaning of words/language

♥ Manifesting in the new paradigm

Inner Circle Magic

3:45 Words: meaning, energies and integrity behind it

5:35 Nesting dolls recap; words being a part of the 4D matrix and how it’s affected by the inversions & reversals

11:59 Meaning of words in the spiritual community ie: manifestation; the creation process through the use of words; outer circle magic and altars;

20:03 How to create in the new paradigm have new rules; inner circle vs outer circle manifestations;

25:00 “Strawman” birth certificate control system, how to get beyond it’s control

33:40 Manifestation via outer circle magic in the 4D field and the limitations of certain words & certain spell casting; creation beyond the 4D tools using inner circle magic

39:32 Example of inner circle magic

45:50 Frequency matching and accessing information; how that relates to manifestations within the 5D; inner circle magic and dreamtime

53:30 Christina’s story on connecting with nature with multidimensional lenses

Manifesting in the New Paradigm Requires Different Tools & Techniques

As we enter the New Paradigm of new ways of living & being, the ways of creation that we're used to would also need to change & evolve. As many spiritual facilitators still teach mainstream protocols, it is important to be mindful of 4D processes compared to 5D; outer circle magic vs inner circle magic, and most importantly the WORDS you use. Watch the replay to learn more about how words can work against you in creation. 

"If your primary conscious engagement is in the outer circle magic of the 4D field, if most of your bandwidth is working a technique, working a system, a tradition, an understanding of how to utilize things EXTERNALLY to create or bring to you what you want, you are using 4D tools." Christina Schwind

It can still work however, there is more room for self-sabotage and resistance. The weakness of using 4D tools or outer circle magic is it doesn't turn the inner eye deep enough to recognize how you are creating the circumstances you want to change. You may want something, do all the right protocols, but if you are not a frequency match inside yourself, there's limitations to the results you will see. You may get a sliver of what you want, but there's so much more available. You may even feel you're a frequency match but most often, it doesn't last or it comes and goes. 

If you are able to BE beyond the collective matrices of distractions, rules & belief systems, and function from the outer nesting dolls (5D and beyond), 'manifesting' becomes a whole new process; almost unknown territory. When you step beyond the 4D field, inner circle magic has no need for certain tools & protocols be it crystals, vision boards, affirmation, words, herbs, etc. In the field of your soul's journey and beyond, creation is about EMBODIMENT and the frequency that entails. When you become a frequency match to what you want without wavering, it becomes an instant process. 


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