Safety is an illusion: What is the nightmare of safety?

empowerment illusion Nov 04, 2022

Do you hang on to safety at all costs? Watch the video above to learn how hanging on to the illusion of safety may be the cement block holding you down from truly discovering you. 

Lunchtime Chats episode 95 Recap

♥ Disempowerment, victimhood

♥ Moving into the new paradigm

Crisis of faith

4:09 The crisis of faith we are currently going through; this crisis is unique to everyone; the quest for truth; experiencing a rock bottom place of realizing you don’t have a saviour; when spirit takes over in these moments of rock bottom; in some that don’t see any other option, checking out can happen   

15:28 Antidote to our internal conflict- when we get negatively affected between truth and lie (what is vs what should be); Sedona illusions of being a spiritual Mecca

17:27 Our path to liberation is when we can are authentic with ourselves and are able to look at ‘what is’

19:52 Saviourship does not help with our empowerment; it prevents us from making power choices inside where their spirit arises

24:40 We’re waking up to hijacking and how to navigate our conflict between and should and what is

27:10  Antidote to disempowerment- letting go of ‘should’ and accept ‘what is’; susceptibility to hijacking decreases; focusing on your passions

32:25 Reality is a great dream- malleability of the 3d reality; the disempowerment concept that traps us- the nightmare of safety; safety is an illusion- all the things we think keep us safe is an illusion but can also change in a split second; making choices based out of fear of losing safety is disempowerment; gratitude keeps you in harmony

40:24 For us to live in adventure and discovering who we truly are moment to moment is living in constant risk; it takes courage to step into who we are because it challenges who we think we are; how to address a conflict when someone doesn’t understand you; compassionate listening

44:22 Putting effort in ‘Shoulds’ keeps empath in a struggle between keeping the illusions of practical living alive vs living in their authentic self-discovery; to get out of duality is to get out of the space of right and wrong

48:18 Open source code and its importance in the new paradigm; allowing our creations to be shared by others

56:53 Our freedom and liberation emerges when we discover the lies we tell ourselves, the should’s we’ve accepted as truth and discover what truly is; allow yourself to have a crisis of faith and move forward


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