What the film 'Sound of Freedom' represents

Jul 07, 2023

What are your thoughts on the newly released film ‘Sounds of Freedom’?

It is not only a strong piece of disclosure but it is also a reflection of the interstellar galactic shifts that are occurring. While it may stir discomfort in some, it serves as a powerful testament to the rise of the divine masculine. This shows the coming together and convergence to reclaim the innocence and beauty of humanity; to restore the purity and magnificence that defines us. This film will surely help ignite the collective to embrace their authenticity and compassion.

Watch the video above to learn more about what this film represents.

Lunchtime Chats episode 128


4:32 About the documentary ‘Sound of Freedom’

10:00 Bob F Kennedy and his disclosure of truths; Layers of disclosure are landing deeply in people

15:25 About the disclosure in Sound of Freedom and what it is representing and reflecting

19:48 Reclaiming our innocence and changing the world

20:52 Personal values & principles; staying true to ourselves by experiencing what we don’t want

25:58 Christina’s story on feedback loops (synchronicities)

32:38 Divine masculine principle is rising within us all; it is helping us all step into the truth; the importance of real connection

36:40 On a collective level, when certain male leaders disclosing truth with courage, it impacts us and paves for us to step into our truths

44:08 Our connectedness; as Separation/polarity grids dissolves, we come more in unity; forgiveness practice helps us show up; our internal crisis points; ego driver structures showing up for us to let the stories go to step into deeper truth; the story of your pain leads to healing and unity

51:53 We are faced with a lot of truth and we have to reconcile with it inside; liberate the things that doesn’t allow you to love; authentic feelings

55:50 Difference between false and authentic relationships; silent agreements in relationships

1:01:01 Empath superpower vs empath burden; Christina’s experience with masked relationships

1:03:05 Reclaiming energy throughout timelines


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