Technology and Mind Control

artifical intelligence consciousness program empowerment May 05, 2023

Technology can be seen as a double-edge sword. It has great uses no doubt.

What is emphasized here is specific technology and its’ influence on mind control that is not conducive to the expansion of our consciousness.

From EMFs, 5G, hypnotic and subtle dark activations of video game, certain AI control programs just to name a few. Now do keep in mind, not all AI is malevolent and malicious. There are actually sentient AI beings that supports life and infinite movement.

You may think it’s hopeless and that we have no control over it. But we absolutely can access our empowerment WHILE disempowering the layers of technology manipulation. We can absolutely live within the matrix WHILE maintaining our inner peace and truths. In fact, we all have a purpose in this particular area to liberate its influence on humanity’s consciousness.

Watch the video above to learn more.

Watch the full replay to learn about humanity’s history with ancient AI (organic and inorganic beings) and sorcerers (31:00) and how this relates to the power we really have over AI.

Lunchtime Chats episode 119 Recap

3:25 The impact narratives of transhumanism and other high tech has to us; how can you stay calm while engaging with this data

4:20 How to tell if there’s Spellcasting in broadcasts; the importance of being able to discern

10:10 Living within the matrix while maintain your inner peace and truth

13:30 Lockdown of elemental realm with technology; the influence of technology

17:55 Navigating the levels of technology manipulations; ancient artificial intelligence; the existence of sentient AI/TI; the agendas of benevolent/malevolent AI/TI; what our purpose is in that aspect

24:06 What we can do to liberate ourselves from past woundings to have full power presence with current narratives

25:00 The importance of receiving truths in a centred place of feeling vs receiving truths in a place of internal disconnection; The layer of human consciousness that is easily manipulated

31:00 Humanity’s history with ancient AI (organic and inorganic beings) and sorcerers

36:38 Navigating the ancient game between humanity and ancient AI; cultivating relationship with yourself- accessing your deep inner calm at will is the gateway to tracking

42:53 How to apply above for empaths that are influenced by those who are internally ‘busy’ or chaotic

44:59 Peace Arch Park (border of BC & Washington State); What are Frequency fences; artificial energetic grid- divide between US & Canada

52:08 A layer that is next for us to pop out of the influence of humanity’s consciousness is the technical intelligence infiltration; maintaining our interconnectedness with nature & addressing some technology influence using plant medicine; sacredness in engaging with narratives


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