The Unseen Forces Shaping Our Reality

Nov 24, 2023

Have you ever considered the idea that you chose to enter this reality and perhaps even selected the family you were born into? These thought-provoking questions open a window into the complexities of our existence.

Entering this reality isn't always a straightforward decision. It involves a conflict within—a knowingness of coming, yet a significant resistance. This inner struggle can manifest in various challenges during birth, each unique to individuals. Some face difficult pregnancies, complicated childbirths, or challenging gestation periods.

Beyond our immediate reality, there's a suggestion that unseen realms influence our experiences. The question arises: Who is doing the choosing? What part of us is deciding, and with whom are we deciding? Is it the earth, unseen overlords, or a collaborative effort with entities enveloping the dream of the mother?

Understanding diverse perspectives becomes crucial in a reality where multiple truths coexist. The concept of energetic entanglement comes into play, illustrating how strongly held beliefs anchor individuals to specific matrices, shaping their experiences.

Legacy, both financial and energetic, becomes a focal point as we age. The emphasis shifts from personal purpose to contemplating the legacy left for future generations. The discussion touches on the idea that investing life force energy into these legacies can create an energetic entanglement, hindering complete liberation after passing.

The overarching theme encourages mindfulness of the energetic investments made in beliefs, ideas, and legacies, extending beyond the boundaries of this physical existence into our ancestry. It prompts reflection on the dance between choosing to enter this reality, the unseen forces shaping our experiences, and the lasting impact of the energetic legacies we leave behind.

Lunchtime Chats episode 148


2:34 choosing to come in this reality/life/family; who’s deciding; what is your belief system about your realities; the importance of pulling your energy back from these reality grids; about legacies of contribution to humanity; energy entanglements reincarnating into matrices when we pass away

10:18 ancients talking about ‘light as a feather’ and reincarnation cycles of this realm, karma, Tibetan book of the dead; entanglement of matrices; our reality is getting more fused with encodements- can lead to expansive perceptions; the importance of healing work in being liberated from false matrixes’ control over your energy; when you live liberated, your reality transcends and help others wake up

15:10 deception of the matrix; what roles you play in the programs and past the inception programs; importance of ancestral healing to solve un-resolved energies; Christina’s story re-living ancestors’ tendencies; recognize your challenges in this life did not necessarily start from you, its from resolved energies from ancestors that invested their life force into

22:32 death rites and unraveling an entire lifetime of trauma from an ancestor; death rites liberate generations of traumas; unseen matrices influencing our loops; we become more empowered, freer, connected when we intune we are with the heartbeat of the mother, cosmos- we become a true artist

27:05 key component to unraveling ancestral patterning- compassion, forgiveness, altar ceremony; reference to Haru and medicine song; this is the season to dive into ancestral work- going within; as we journey within, the realms we come in contact first is the realm of the ancestors, it has to be addressed

33:45 we lose our control over our creative energies when we invest in narratives that say we don’t have the power; the inertia of the collective grid and ancestors can make it difficult to get past the control systems; practice discernment of your inner truth and ego driver; friendship and being in truths; layers of inceptions make waking up a challenge

39:32 a nesting doll that create our reality is soul song; the frequency gets diverted into a reality that becomes form; moving through experiences; awareness of the bigger picture and outer nesting dolls can unravel a lot

43:50 there’s a way to experience family and tradition to bring you to liberation; any strong attachment or aversion to anything decreases your energy force; ways of liberation; journey to Solstice to go deeper within yourselves to liberate unresolved issues from ancestors in us

47:06 divide amongst races (held in place by ancestors); as we resolve this, we unify the divide of the races and rejoice through our differences; experiencing other traditions and cultures; reference to the story ‘becoming of the different races’; every race has its harmonic role in society; when we step into the truth of nature, life, you see other races in their harmonic role and care-takers of pachamama

54:44 as we work with the ancestral healing, we liberate ourselves from generational energies that hold the divide, hold the matrices; we see the synergistic & interconnected relationships of all beings; the impact the control matrices have on the collective

58:28 any relationship dynamic & strife in the family lineage impact every member; we are woven together; the more we reclaim our responsibilities, the more liberated we become and its ripple effect on others


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