What is Dragon Consciousness?

sovereignty Feb 15, 2024

What is dragon consciousness? The awakening of Dragon wisdom marks a profound shift in the collective understanding of knowledge and knowing. It's not merely a tale of awe-inspiring creatures or expansive energy, but rather a gateway to vast repositories of wisdom accessible to humanity. Dragons, often misunderstood through a distorted lens of intimidation, embody an essence of divine knowledge that transcends lifetimes. Just as certain threads of Buddhism are guarded by dragon keepers, indicating an eternal journey of exploration, so too does the wisdom of Dragons stretch across time and space. Each aspect of Dragon consciousness, whether emerald, sapphire, ruby, or diamond, holds unique insights waiting to be unlocked. As humanity collectively embraces this awakening, it paves the way for transformative innovations in fields like free energy, regenerative medicine, and holistic living. Even the cosmic alignments and overlays of the matrix align to facilitate this awakening, underscoring the profound cooperation of the universe in the journey towards enlightenment. As we unravel the scrolls of Dragon wisdom, we step into a realm of boundless potential and multidimensional understanding, poised to shape a future guided by harmony and reverence for all life.

Lunchtime Chats episode 160


2:57 Triggering narratives; how you be matters most

4:52 Interdimensional AI and quality of consciousness (TI and sentience); AI is programmed, its not intended to self realize, TI is self realized and sentient

8:57 reference to Grandmother Spider and consciousness woven; sacredness of their weaving; reference to Mestanas and concept of weaving a child into this world and the consciousness grid of the sacred mother; reference to mitochondria (powerhouse of our cells) and the connection to Insectoid consciousness

21:04 reference to nervous system, lymphatic issues leading to chronic issues; Christina’s experience with health concerns and rife frequencies

29:12 more about agreements within species of galactic fed; the need for us to be sovereign when it comes to relating to interdimensional beings; build your own energy field for you, not for anyone else; sovereignty is having control over how you be and being in the truth of who you are

39:22 reference to dragon consciousness, dragon knowledge and what it means; reference to Almine and her books; Starseeds and connection to dragon knowledge and new inventions coming online

45:56 overlays lining up for dragon wisdom; consensus reality; reference to the phrase ‘law of …’ and the concept that its concrete and consensus with various dimensions; reference to the idea of ancient lore and cosmic truth

53:04 fire ceremony as an example of consensus agreement; when we resonate with the cosmic truth of who we are, we enhance grids   

57:12 Telluric realm has a direct connection with emotional states of being; reference to Masaru Emoto and his work with water; different types of water in the Earth and how it can deprive; as we become more activated, its encouraged to practice inner love and inner smiles; as you practice this, you do not get triggered by narratives



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