What is spiritual slavery and how does it hold us back from our sovereignty?

distortions Apr 13, 2023

Considered 1 of the 6 kinds of enslavement, spiritual slavery can be a difficult piece to be aware of for many. It can be easier to be self aware of the other 4 kinds such as financial, emotional, mental, physical and sexual enslavement. Since spiritual slavery is so embedded in our baseline, it can be misconstrued as being freeing when in fact, it can be a chain. This is apparent in religion for example where devotion to a certain rule triumphs personal values. It is also apparent in beliefs such as 'If I serve, I will be blessed.' Watch the video above to learn more about the idea of spiritual slavery and how it looks like. 

To learn about the other pieces of enslavement, watch the full replay below. As we expand our awareness to how we may be enslaved, we can eventually bring sovereignty to each kind. Just the process of being a space holder for this can significantly impact our community. We help plant seeds of sovereignty to everyone around us without us even knowing! 


Lunchtime Chats episode 116 Recap


6:08 About the Dalai Lama controversy; authority/leader influence with youth & women abuse; vulnerability of youth by authorities around them 

15:58 The release valve in entertainment (movies) to something that has been suppressed; propagating a message; evidence of highest sacred keepers have fallen; the influence of a youth’s surroundings

28:36 What wayshowers can do to magnify our impact in the larger community; what we can do to take responsibility for our inner space- enslavement; eg financial enslavement

42:00 Emotional slavery- eg shaming, guilt programs, extortion love

44:45 Mental slavery- our mind/mental thoughts

45:32 Spiritual slavery- deeply embedded in our baseline; what does it look like (taking advantage of a person’s love for creator); eg. devotion (If I serve enough, I will be blessed in my life); the distortion in that belief of ‘I do this for you, you do this for me’

53:17 Physical & sexual enslavement- the difference between the two; sexual enslavement has a multidimensional component to it   

54:12 Self reflection exercise to expand your awareness; finding your sovereignty to all the pieces; becoming a space holder and how this can influence our community






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